Does a teens enviroment affect their likliehood to smoke?

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Does a teens enviroment affect their likliehood to smoke? por Mind Map: Does a teens enviroment affect their likliehood to smoke?

1. Friends

1.1. Peer pressure

1.1.1. "My friends were doing it, so I didn't want to be the only one not smoking."

1.1.2. All teens want to do is fit in. If smoking is the way to fit it, then most will do it.

2. Internet/ Social Media

2.1. A teen may see others smoking and posting about it on social media. These people posting about it try to make it seem cool.

2.1.1. This could also make them want to fit in.

2.2. Could teens read about smoking on the internet and believe it is a cool/good thing to do?

2.3. They may see the advertisements and think that they are cool

3. Display independence

3.1. Many teens go through a defiant period in some part of their life.

3.1.1. They may be trying to display freedom

3.2. Do they want to show that they are responsible for making their own choices?

4. Home Life

4.1. If a teen's parents smoke, is it more likely for them too also?

4.1.1. Older siblings could also influence them.

4.2. If parents aren't around much, could this affect the likelihood?

4.2.1. A teen might also not feel loved and go to smoking as an escape.

5. School/ school activities

5.1. If school is stressful, one might feel that smoking would relive the stress.

5.1.1. Same thing could be said with sports.

5.2. If they are getting bad grades, they might just give up and smoking would just be there.

6. Overall...

6.1. They may just do it because it makes them feel good

6.1.1. Or make them feel better about themselves.