Course Objectives And Expectations

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Course Objectives And Expectations por Mind Map: Course Objectives And Expectations

1. Ethics

1.1. Explore the complex ethical considerations of business

1.1.1. Aka don't be a rude jerk

2. Multimodal

2.1. Learn how to use new multimedia tools

3. Genre

3.1. Explore meaning and implications behind genres for business

4. Rhetoric

4.1. Bulster business orientated rhetoric and communication strategies

5. Process

5.1. Refine writing process within the business Scope

6. Information and Literary Managment

6.1. Explore new methods of synthesis and analysis under the english department

7. Reflect & Transfer

7.1. Think more about processes

7.1.1. But in a /Business/ way

8. Collaboration

8.1. Explore online connection methods in a semiprofessional scope

8.2. Continue to improve tone implementation through text only media

9. Pass the Class (with an A)