Oceanographic/Hydrographic Survey Vessel

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Oceanographic/Hydrographic Survey Vessel por Mind Map: Oceanographic/Hydrographic Survey Vessel

1. Living Quarters

1.1. Galley for 24/7 operation

1.2. Separate recreational areas for crew and scientist.

2. Sea areas

2.1. Ice class

2.2. Area A4

3. deck storage area

3.1. crane for sonar equipment

3.1.1. Folding deck for safe over the  side operations

3.2. Deck space for containers

4. Engine Room

4.1. Large bunker capacity

4.2. Clean propulsion for arctic  area

4.3. Diesel electric power suplly

5. bridge

5.1. forward/aft and deck wing navigation control

5.2. control of winches