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HCI 313 por Mind Map: HCI 313

1. Aristotle

1.1. Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher. He transformed most areas of knowledge that he touched.He had an emphasis on reasoning and also believed in the Scientific Method.

2. Epicurus

2.1. Epicurus founded one of the major philosophies of ancient Greece.This helped lay the foundation for modern science.

3. Comparison

3.1. 1. Both Philosophers are from Greece.

3.2. 2. Both philosophers laid foundations for modern science.

3.3. 3. Epicurus had a more optimistic viewpoint and his philosophy stressed that it could liberate us from our fears and the supernatural. On the other hand, Aristotle emphasized on logic and reasoning.

3.4. 4. Epicurus had teachers from Lyceum, the school that Aristotle founded.