Recipe for Me

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Recipe for Me por Mind Map: Recipe for Me

1. People

1.1. Mom and dad

1.1.1. raised me

1.1.2. taught me hard work pays off

1.2. Alex

1.3. Grandma

1.4. Eli

1.5. Papa

2. Decisions

2.1. playing lacroose

2.1.1. trying something new

2.1.2. putting myself out there

2.2. changing schools

2.2.1. could have different friends

2.2.2. go to different highschool

2.3. playing baseball

2.3.1. one of the youngest kids on team

2.3.2. tough coach that pushed me

2.3.3. being part of a team

2.4. playing football

2.5. playing basketball

2.6. going to camp

2.6.1. trying something new

3. Circumstances

3.1. born into a loving family

3.2. in a safe community

3.3. concussion

3.3.1. be more careful

3.4. grandma passing away

3.5. baseball and basketball

3.5.1. if you work at something you will become better at it