Lets Makeup Together

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Lets Makeup Together por Mind Map: Lets Makeup Together

1. about

1.1. This tab allows the reader to learn more about my page and what we are about. It gives them a history and shows our values and goals.

2. Home

2.1. The home page shows the viewer an overview of the website. It shows the company logo an has tabs to allow the viewer to navigate the site.

2.1.1. I added a brief description of what my website is about and two pictures.

3. Contact

3.1. The contact page allows readers to contact us. It will have an email address and links to our social media pages.

4. Tips and techinques

4.1. The tips and techinques tab will have videos and pictures that help people learn how to apply everyday looks or specific makeup looks.

5. Blog

5.1. The blog will let people post their questions or their own work on to our page so everyone could see it. We will post a weekly newsletter with trips and tricks to achieve certain looks.

6. Reference Page

6.1. The reference page will show where I collected all my data and where I found me pictures/videos.

7. Resources

7.1. The resource tab will allow people to see what tools and makeup we use in our videos and looks. They will be able to find the exact makeup we used or brands that are close to the original.