Film History

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Film History por Mind Map: Film History

1. Silent Period  (1895-1929)

1.1. Soviet montage

1.1.1. A man with  a camera

1.2. German expressionism

1.2.1. Nosferatu

1.3. French avant-garde

1.3.1. Un chien Andalou

1.4. First movies

1.4.1. Luimiere factory

1.4.2. Great train robbery

1.4.3. Trip to the moon

1.5. Directors

1.5.1. Lumiere brothers

1.5.2. Buster Keaton

1.5.3. D.W Griffith

1.5.4. Georges Méliès

1.5.5. Carl Theodor Dreyer

1.5.6. Robert Wiene

1.5.7. Sergej Eisenstein

2. 1930's

2.1. Directors

2.1.1. von Sternberg

2.1.2. Howard Hawks

2.1.3. Tod Browning

2.1.4. James Whale

2.1.5. Karl Freund

2.1.6. George Cukor

2.2. Film classifications

2.2.1. Horror

2.2.2. Epic movies

2.2.3. Screwball comedies

2.3. important movies

2.3.1. Falling in love again

2.3.2. Scarface

2.3.3. Dracula

2.3.4. Frankestein

2.3.5. Swing time

2.3.6. Tarzan the ape

3. 1940's

3.1. Directors

3.1.1. Chaplin

3.1.2. Michael Powell

3.1.3. John Huston

3.2. important movies

3.2.1. CasaBlanca

3.2.2. The Thief of Bagdad

3.2.3. The great dictator

3.2.4. Citizen Kane

3.2.5. The Maltese Falcon