domestic violence

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domestic violence por Mind Map: domestic violence

1. field study

1.1. social worker(s)

1.2. assaulter

2. why is domestic violence an important issue in today's society?

3. things to ask

3.1. what are the physical dangers to a person who is assaulted?

3.2. what are the emotional effects of a person who is assaluted?

3.3. what can be done to overcome the problem?

3.4. how important is the issue?

4. spread awarness about domestic violence

5. members

5.1. leader: PAUL

5.2. editor:CAMILLA

5.3. researcher: SIRI

6. outcomes

6.1. spread awarness about domestic violence

6.1.1. leaflets p

6.1.2. posters

6.1.3. inta. page

6.1.4. twitter account

7. cross cultural

7.1. when to do it

7.1.1. mid october

7.2. where to contact

7.2.1. insta.

7.2.2. twitter

7.2.3. facebook

7.2.4. youtube

7.2.5. skype

7.3. whom to contact

7.3.1. people on social media