After brunch fundraising party

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After brunch fundraising party por Mind Map: After brunch fundraising party

1. Time

1.1. Total duration 2 months

1.1.1. 3/4 for marketing and pre fundraising

1.1.2. 1/4 for venue set up and party

2. Funds

2.1. Team contribution= 1000 euros

2.2. Pre-Fundraising

2.2.1. Tickets presale = 11500 euros

2.2.2. Stalls sale= 5500 euros

2.3. Other Donations= 10000 euros

3. Cost

3.1. Funded

3.1.1. Place

3.1.2. Sound system

3.1.3. lighting system

3.1.4. Security and fire service

3.1.5. Seating

3.2. To be paid by us (5000 euros)

3.2.1. 4 DJ's- 800 euros

3.2.2. Venue decoration and stall sets- 2500 euros

3.2.3. Online Marketing expense- 500 euros

3.2.4. Tickets, Poster and Merchandise- 1000 euros

3.2.5. Welcome Drinks and snacks for Guest- 200 euros

4. Special Invites for fundraising

4.1. Food Stalls and Trucks owners

4.2. Special Guests

4.2.1. Anticipated donation of 10000 euros

5. Objective: To raise a minimum of 20000 euros for the support of refugees in Madrid.

6. Place

6.1. Conde duque, Centro Cultural

6.1.1. Will be provided for free by Ayuntamiento de Madrid

7. Team

7.1. Anand

7.1.1. Project Management

7.2. Victor

7.2.1. Events Management

7.3. Gary

7.3.1. Quality Control

7.4. Chanelle

7.4.1. Guest Management

7.5. Kan

7.5.1. Finance and Fundraising

7.6. Valeriia

7.6.1. Risk Management

7.7. Maja

7.7.1. Marketing

8. Marketing

8.1. Online Marketing, paid ads on facebook

8.2. College students on facebook

8.3. FB group posts

8.4. Twitter post

8.5. Erasmus students