Youth worker

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Youth worker por Mind Map: Youth worker

1. models

1.1. treatment

1.1.1. disciplining the young person

1.1.2. make young person pro-active

1.2. reform

1.2.1. supporting the young person

1.2.2. assist them develop their skills

1.3. advocacy

1.3.1. radical fight for change to  favour young person

1.3.2. non-radical acting on young person behalf

1.4. empowerment

1.4.1. young person self actualization social justice equity and equality emancipation and freedom

2. skills

2.1. problem solving

2.2. time management

2.3. critical thinking

2.4. good communication

2.5. assertive

2.6. openess

2.7. trustworthy

2.8. reflective

2.9. friendly

3. qualities

3.1. professional

3.2. resourceful

3.3. networking

3.4. facilitative

3.5. mentoring

3.6. advocating

3.7. empowering

3.8. participation

4. youth worker meaning

4.1. voluntary relationship

4.1.1. willing

4.1.2. conscious

4.2. primary client

4.2.1. listen to them

4.2.2. allow them to make choices

4.2.3. listen to their decisions

4.3. informal education

4.3.1. traditions

4.3.2. religion

4.3.3. social

5. context

5.1. school

5.2. charities

5.3. educational department

5.4. local government

5.5. churches

5.6. prisons

5.7. community organizations

6. youth work

6.1. services that places young people and their interest first

6.1.1. youth work services recreation advise education welfare counselling