SAP BO Activities

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SAP BO Activities por Mind Map: SAP BO Activities

1. Remedy ticket resolving

1.1. Incident: Assigned

1.1.1. Progress Resolved

1.1.2. Pending with client 3strikeRule

1.2. Group Name TOBE Noted

1.3. Create: CR (any change on server)

1.3.1. Reboot

1.3.2. Update drivers etc

2. Monitoring

2.1. Server Health Analysis

2.2. We need to prepare this report by log in into the Application manager and pull out the report and send this report to BISM Team

3. Report Schedules

3.1. Hypercare reports

3.1.1. Filter excel for current date

4. Administration

4.1. User/ Alias creation

4.2. User Deletion(Monthly)

4.2.1. user login reports

4.3. Reports deletion (2 Months)

4.4. Modify users

4.5. Security Config

4.5.1. Naming Convention Group Name User name

5. Rebooting

5.1. 7 to 8 am cet every 3rd Saturday of the month: BO reboot: Create CR for the same

5.2. Automated script running at 11pm to restart services daily

5.2.1. Seq: Tomcat

5.2.2. BO APPS

6. Reporting Issues

6.1. User

6.1.1. Parameters/prompts

6.1.2. Access

6.2. Database

6.2.1. Temporary table space

6.2.2. No user here

6.2.3. Qtimeout

6.3. Server

6.3.1. Timeout

7. Daily

7.1. Check CM & Finance reports

7.2. Status emails replies

8. Weekly

8.1. Housekeeping, Sanity

8.2. Unica restart Friday

9. Monthly

9.1. 7th

9.1.1. Capacity report

9.2. 1st

9.2.1. Application manager reports

9.2.2. KPI Dashboard report

9.2.3. SOX Report

10. Contact details

10.1. Excel tobe attached here

11. Unica

11.1. Check 2 hour reports

11.1.1. monitor application failure

12. SAP Predictive Analysis

12.1. Only 5 people use it

12.2. Check Application status Mothly