E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, The Web, & Mobile Platform

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E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, The Web, & Mobile Platform por Mind Map: E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, The Web, & Mobile Platform

1. Internet saat ini

1.1. Internet Network Architecture

1.1.1. Backbone

1.1.2. IXPs

1.1.3. CANs

1.2. ISPs

1.3. Intranet

2. Infrastruktur internet di masa depan

2.1. Keterbatasan internet saat ini

2.1.1. Keterbatasan bandwith

2.1.2. Keterbatasan layanan dari kualitas

2.1.3. Keterbatasan arsitektur jaringan

2.1.4. Internet kabel

2.2. Internet2 Project

2.2.1. First mile & last mile First mile Kabel fiber optik Last mile (Mobile Internet Provider) Wireless Internet Access Telephone Technologies Wireless Internet Access Network Technologies

2.3. Intenret di masa depan

2.3.1. Latency solutions

2.3.2. Tingkat layanan dijamin dan tingkat kesalahan lebih rendah

2.3.3. Biaya menurun

2.3.4. Internet og things

3. The web

3.1. 1989–1991: Web invented

3.2. 1993: Mosaic Web browser w/GUI

3.3. 1994: Netscape Navigator, first commercial Web browser

3.4. 1995: Microsoft Internet Explorer


3.6. Markup Languange

3.6.1. hypertext markup language (html)

3.6.2. extensible markup Language (XML)

4. Internet & Web : Fitur dan layanan

4.1. Fitur dasar e-commerce

4.1.1. Email

4.1.2. Instant messaging

4.1.3. Search engines

4.1.4. Forum online & chat

4.1.5. Streaming media

4.1.6. Cookies

4.2. Fitur dan layanan Web 2.0

4.2.1. Online Social Network

4.2.2. Blog

4.2.3. Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

4.2.4. Podcasting

4.2.5. Wikis

4.2.6. Music & videos servicing

4.2.7. Internet telephony (VoIP)

4.2.8. Video conferencing, video chatting, and telepresence

4.2.9. Online software and Web services

4.3. Intelligent Personal Assistants

4.4. Mobile Apps

5. Latar belakang teknologi

5.1. Web / WWW (World Wide Web)

5.2. Internet

6. Evolusi dari internet (1961-sekarang)

6.1. Tahap Inovasi (1964-1974)

6.2. Tahap institutisionalisasi (1975-1995)

6.3. Tahap komersialisasi

7. Konsep Kunci Teknologi

7.1. Packet Switching

7.2. TC/IP communications protocol

7.2.1. TCP/IP Layers Network Interface Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer Application Layer

7.2.2. Internet (IP) address IPv4 IPv6

7.2.3. Domain names, DNS, & URLs

7.3. Client / server computing

8. Mobile platform

8.1. Akses utama internet

8.1.1. Tablet

8.1.2. Smartphone

9. Cloud Computing

10. Internet Protocols dan Utility Programs

10.1. Internet protocol

10.1.1. Email

10.1.2. HTTP

10.1.3. FTP, telnet, SSL/TLS

10.2. utility programs

10.2.1. Ping

10.2.2. Tracert