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PaGo por Mind Map: PaGo

1. Service offre

1.1. Language to teach, Update their infor concern thier field

1.2. Share info to job opp, Share info house opp,Sell thier home stuffs,

1.3. Share workplace together video call, students learning together with other students homework, exam etc. Group discussion

1.4. give their full information about their jobs, their comptence, and ask them about their comptence and likes.

1.5. Give them chance to solve their problem by jobs, knowledge

2. Caring our client and our service , marketing

3. Client demande

3.1. Student age between 18-30 years

3.1.1. New Language to learn Network your own carrerra New friends with same hobbies and age Share oppournuity your house and needs etc Share jobs and carrera helps Share educations and skills area oppournity other country and place Share events special and share connections

3.2. Problem are lack job, lack network, house and need informations lack social, learn new language and skills

3.3. Big one / Help poor country or undevelop country, could get access full informations about the developoment, diesease, probelm depression,

3.3.1. humartien need to solve their problem country such as disease, technique area in poor country

3.4. Client put their info about their requirement needs. do special area commerce, experience.

3.4.1. Make connection between them algorithum

4. Helping Students and new strangers can easy to find their jobs and their area friends and with new skills., Area could help more skills rural area and poor country. Save a lot time, learn with team. and develp to find solution the problem.

4.1. Social Network for client and service.

4.2. Voyage normale