Comparing and Contrasting Quadratic and Linear Equations.

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Comparing and Contrasting Quadratic and Linear Equations. por Mind Map: Comparing and Contrasting Quadratic and Linear Equations.

1. Linear

1.1. Linear equations in real life occur whenever there is a constant change rate. For example, a printer costs $100 but each ink pack costs $25, What is the relationship between ink cartridges and total cost? This can be modeled with a linear equation. (y = 25x + 100)

2. Quadratic

2.1. The sun is an example of a quadratic equation because when the sun goes up, eventually it reaches its peak, then it heads back down, which is a parabola. You can use a quadratic equation to know where the sun is at any given moment at any time of the day without even seeing the sun when given the proper information.

3. Similarities

3.1. Both are functions.

3.2. Domain are all real numbers.

4. Differences

4.1. Quadratics have a parabola because the leading coefficient is squared.

4.2. Linear equations are on the y-axis so they are infinite.

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