The Fundamentals of Business

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The Fundamentals of Business por Mind Map: The Fundamentals of Business

1. Posistioning

1.1. Strategize

2. Ethics

2.1. Stakeholder Theory

2.2. Friedman Doctrine

3. Value Based Management

4. Analysis Tools

4.1. S.W.O.T.

4.2. Fishbone Diagram

4.3. Urgency/Importance Matrix

4.4. Case Methodology

5. Disciplines of Business

5.1. Accounting

5.1.1. 3 Statements

5.1.2. GAAP

5.2. Decision Driven Marketing

5.3. Operations

5.3.1. Supply Chain Management

5.3.2. 'Transformation'

5.3.3. Forecasting

6. Integration