Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory

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Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory por Mind Map: Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory

1. In films with a prominent male gaze, female viewers are forced to view the narrative in a secondary role, having to identify wth the male first.

2. Some theorists have also shown that the female body gets sexualised in circumstances where female sexiness has nothing to do with the context of the situation.

3. Mulvey's theory has been criticised, as some women enjoy being looked at, like beauty queens.

4. The gaze can also be directed towards members of the same gender, not all sexual, but body image or clothing

5. The concept of the male gaze theory is one that deals with how an audience views the people and characters that are presented.

6. As an audience, we can look at characters in one of three ways.

6.1. How men look at women

6.2. How women look at themselves

6.3. How women look at other women

7. There are many features of the male gaze theory. One of these includes that in a lot of films, the camera will linger on the curves of a female body, which is presented with a mans reaction to this in mind.

7.1. This pushes women's status in cinema down to merely objects.