Great Barrier Reef of Australia

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Great Barrier Reef of Australia por Mind Map: Great Barrier Reef of Australia

1. Ecology

1.1. Animals & Plants

1.1.1. Sea Animals Ex: Whales, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, etc.

1.1.2. Sea Plants Ex: Some Corals.

2. First of All

2.1. Location

2.1.1. Coast of Queensland, Australia

2.2. Size

2.2.1. 2,300 Kilometers

3. Environmental Threat

3.1. Climate Change

3.2. Pollution

3.3. Loss of Coastal Wetland

3.4. Pesticides

4. Members of the Clan

4.1. X MIPA 5

4.2. Raditya Bagus W

4.3. Snorkling

4.4. Ronaldi P.

4.5. Rafi Yogatama

4.6. M. Nizar Almas Sukirno

5. Diving

6. Human Use

6.1. Tourism

6.2. Fishing