The book thief characters

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The book thief characters por Mind Map: The book thief characters

1. Franz deucher

2. Victor chemmel

3. New node

4. Bügermeister hermann

5. Isla hermann- the mayors wife

6. The fuher aka Hitler-he is ordering his men to find and or capture the Jews

7. Eric vandenburg-max vandenburgs father

8. Max vandenburg- a Jew who is staying at leisals house in her basement

9. Frau diller

10. leisal memminger-the protagonist of the story

11. Paula meminger-

12. Andy schmeikl

13. Alex steiner

14. Frau Heinrich

15. Hans hubermann-one of leisals foster parents he is good at playing the accordion fought in World War One

15.1. New node

15.2. New node

16. Herr lehman-

17. Rosa hubbermann- the other foster parent of leisal memminger the towns clothing cleaner

18. Death- the narrator the reaper of death

19. Rudy Steiner-leisal' s friend

20. Arthur b

21. Tommy muller

22. Franz deutcher