Schedules my son

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Schedules my son por Mind Map: Schedules my son

1. How to use this map

1.1. Use this map to prepare for your first baby

1.2. Pregnancy

1.2.1. We've already prepared lists of recommendable foods and those you should avoid during your pregnancy

1.2.2. The check-up schedule is a list of generally recommended check-ups you should attend during your pregnancy. Add the dates of your actual appointments using "Tasks" and check them off once you've completed them

1.2.3. Follow the links provided for the different topics to get ideas for exercise routines and to find out what awaits you at childbirth class. Add your own schedules using the "Task" option

1.3. Hospital

1.3.1. Make a list of all essential items you want to take with you when the big day comes

1.3.2. Check out the link to get ideas and find out what you really need

1.4. Immunization schedule

1.4.1. We've prepared a list of generally recommended immunizations and when they are due. Follow the link or ask your doctor or midwife to get more information

1.4.2. Add the dates of your actual appointments using the "Task" function

1.5. Checklist

1.5.1. Write down all the items you need to acquire before your baby arrives

1.5.2. Check out the link to find out what's essential

2. 14.00.after lunch

2.1. sleep

3. the evening

3.1. dining

3.1.1. Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV)

3.2. reading lessons

3.2.1. Second dose HBV

3.3. played on tablet

3.3.1. DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine

3.3.2. Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine

3.3.3. IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine

3.3.4. PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

3.3.5. Rota: Rotavirus vaccine

3.4. to watch cartoons

3.4.1. DTaP

3.4.2. Hib

3.4.3. IPV

3.4.4. PCV

3.4.5. Rota

3.5. washing

3.5.1. DTaP

3.5.2. Hib

3.5.3. PCV

3.5.4. Rota

3.6. 10.00. sleep

3.6.1. Influenza

4. 16.00 wake up and drink tea, eat аpple.

5. 17.00.подышать свежим воздухом, прогулка

6. Moning

6.1. 7.00.washing 7.15.charging

6.1.1. 7.30.morning feed oatmeal porridge bread with butter oatmeal porridge bread with butter tea with milk

6.1.2. 8.30. lessons at school english lesson mathematics drawing lesson voleologiya lesson

6.2. 11.30. the end of the lessons

7. 12.30.Dinner

7.1. pea soup

7.2. beet salad

7.3. bread

7.4. teas