Unit 1. The media

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Unit 1. The media por Mind Map: Unit 1. The media

1. grammar: past simple, present perfect and present perfect continuous

1.1. a completed past action with a time reference: was released, appeared

1.2. a completed past action that is relevant in the present: have/has confirmed

1.3. an unfinished action that began in the past and continues up to the time of speaking

2. topic words of media

2.1. chat show cost

2.2. commentator

2.3. editor

2.4. foregin correspondent

2.5. journalist

2.6. newsreader

2.7. producer

2.8. presenter

3. compound nouns

3.1. current affairs

3.2. breaking news

3.3. press conference

3.4. news flash

3.5. head lines

3.6. business news

3.7. sports report

3.8. weather forecast

4. reading

4.1. accuracy

4.2. setting up

4.3. inquiry

5. the media

5.1. broadsheets

5.2. browse

5.3. channel hop

5.4. chat show

5.5. news bulletin

5.6. podcast

5.7. surf

5.8. documentary

5.9. tabloids

5.10. text alert

5.11. tune in

5.12. web page