Conflicts Scaling Types

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Conflicts Scaling Types por Mind Map: Conflicts Scaling Types

1. Civil War in South Sudan(National, Ethnic): The civil war in Sudan started with Salva Kiir and Riek Machar having an argument which caused Machar to be revoked from his vice president position. Violence arose between presidential guard soldiers which was deemed to be an ethnical conflict. This was the turning point of when the Dinka ethnic group turned to Salva Kiir, and the Nuer ethnic group turned to Riek Machar. Both of these groups started to clash with each other.

1.1. Rationale: We chose this conflict to be a national and ethnic problem because in the conflict there are two ethnic groups fighting for certain ideas. This is a national problem because it is only in one nation (Sudan).

2. Al-Shabab in Somalia(National, territorial): Al-Shabab, a terrorist group capitalized  Somalia's ungoverned territories. After 2011, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) successfully pushed Al-Shabab out of majority of their strongholds. The Al-Shabab's response to this intervention was that they committed more attacks to a U.S ally, Kenya. After this, The U.S decided to help AMISOM in getting rid of Al-Shabab. They're helping them financially, logistically, and continue to support them.

2.1. Rationale: We chose this to be a national and territorial problem because this conflict is only happening in one country (Somalia) and this is a territorial problem because they are fighting for territory.

3. North Korea Crisis(National, Economic): The North Korea Crisis began with North Korea (which is one of the U.S’s important alies) violating the UN Security Council resolutions by creating nuclear weapons and long range missiles. Despite the UN Security Council resolutions, they continue to make nuclear weapons. It is estimated that North Korea created 10-16 nuclear weapons so far.

3.1. Rationale: We chose this conflict to be a national and economic problem because the North Korea crisis is only in one country (North Korea). This is an economic problem because North Korea is making Nuclear bombs which relates to economics.

4. Criminal Violence in Mexico(Local, Resource driven): Criminal violence in Mexico started with drug cartels that has killed 85,000 people. Mexico has one of the most largest drug networks due to weak law enforcement's. One of the most powerful drug lords is El Chapo. These drug cartels battle one another in order to earn more money.

4.1. Rationale: We chose this conflict to be a local and resource driven problem because Mexico is nearby California which makes it local. This is a resource driven problem because the conflict's problem is based off of only one thing which in this case it's drug cartels.

5. Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict(Global, Territorial): This conflict started with  Nagorno-Karabakh people who were ethnically Armenian,  but was being classified as Azerbaijan territory. When these places joined with the Soviet Union their fight for territory got muted. But they started up again when the Soviet's control over it's satellite states weakened. A 6 year war started when the Nagorno-Karabakh tried to join Armenia but then declared independence. Afterwards, cease fire broke out in Russia which caused both sides to accuse each other of it happening. The Minsk group and Russian peace talks tried to resolve this but they failed and this problem is worsening.

5.1. Rationale: We chose this conflict to be a global and territorial problem because, this conflict is between two countries. This is a territorial problem because these two countries are trying to invade each other.

6. Works Cited: Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. (we used this site to find everything)