National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

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National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers por Mind Map: National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

2. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

4. Teachers design, develop and evaluate learning methods, making use of modern tools and resources to ensure the maximum degree of learning

5. Improve professional practice and model lifelong learning by promoting effective use of technological resources in one's school community

6. understand global and local issues within society and the responsibilities and ethics of digital society

7. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

8. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

9. Use innovative processes to exhibit skill in global and digital society

10. Use knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning and technology to provide situations and experiences that improve creativity and innovation in any environment.