Static Electricity

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Static Electricity por Mind Map: Static Electricity

1. Hazards

1.1. Lightning

1.2. Fire/ Explosions

2. Fundamental Law Of Electric Charges

2.1. Like Charges Repel

2.2. Unlike Charges Attract

3. Production of static charges

3.1. Electrical Conductors

3.1.1. By Induction Single Conductor 2 Conductors With Equal And Opposite Charges

3.2. Insulator

3.2.1. By Friction

3.3. Van De Graff Generator

4. Detected By

4.1. Electroscope

4.1.1. Gold Leaf

4.1.2. Brass Cap

4.1.3. Earth

5. Applications

5.1. High-voltage Generator

5.2. Paint Spray

5.3. Ash Removal

6. Measurement

6.1. SI Units

6.1.1. Coulomb (C)

7. Electric Field Lines

7.1. A Positive Charge

7.2. A Negative Charge

7.3. An Electric Dipole

7.4. Parallel Charge Plates