Learning Teaching & Development

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Learning Teaching & Development por Mind Map: Learning Teaching & Development

1. Planning For the Upcoming School Year

2. Considering Developmental Differences

3. Baumrind's Parenting Styles

4. Standardized Achievement Tests

5. Student-Centered Learning

6. Schwabb's 4 Commonplaces

7. Reflective Practice

8. Constructivism

9. Growth Mindsets

10. Scaffolding

11. Executive Cognitive Functioning

12. School Segregation - Last Week Tonight

13. No Consensus on Benefits of SATs

14. My Opinion

15. SES

16. Socio-Cultural Considerations

17. Take it With a Grain of Salt

18. References

19. Establishing a Positive Learning Environment

20. Making Instructional Decisions

21. Assessing Student Progress

22. Individual Differences - Intellectual Abilities & Challenges

23. "Deal with the problem not the student"

24. Forum Activity 3

25. Exit Cards

26. Metacognition

27. Forming Positive Classroom Relationships

28. Differentiated Instruction

29. ADHD

30. ASD

31. Forum response

32. Types of Assessment

33. Being positive

34. Intelligence

35. Variety