Mental Health Zine

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Mental Health Zine por Mind Map: Mental Health Zine

1. Relate to Art parasites?

1.1. include poem

1.2. include artwork

2. "I wish it didn't hurt to be this kind of woman" + image of middle finger over vag

2.1. Romanticizing crap/ loneliness/ darkness/ emptiness

2.2. Image of a happy graduate juxtaposed with sadness

3. Coming out, then, for disabled people, is a process of redefinition of one's personal identity through rejecting the tyranny of the normate, positive recognition of impairment and embracing disability as a valid social identity. Having come out, the disabled person no longer regards disability as a reason for self-disgust, or as something to be denied or hidden, but rather as an imposed oppressive social category to be challenged and broken down. . . . Coming out, in our analysis, involves a political commitment. Acceptance of a medical model of disability and being categorized by others as disabled does not constitute coming out as disabled. —Swain and Cameron, "Unless Otherwise Stated"Coming out, then, for disabled people, is a process of redefinition of one's personal identity through rejecting the tyranny of the normate, positive recognition of impairment and embracing disability as a valid social identity. Having come out, the disabled person no longer regards disability as a reason for self-disgust, or as something to be denied or hidden, but rather as an imposed oppressive social category to be challenged and broken down. . . . Coming out, in our analysis, involves a political commitment. Acceptance of a medical model of disability and being categorized by others as disabled does not constitute coming out as disabled.—Swain and Cameron, "Unless Otherwise Stated"


5. "we are certain of our own insanity" Antipsichiatry and the Gay liberation movement, 1968-1980, Abram J. Lewis

6. ask Sadya for refferals to disabilities articles from her Feminist Disability class

7. Disability Feminism

7.1. Garland-Thomson, Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory

7.2. Samuels, My Body My Closet- Invisible Disability and the Limits of Coming-out Discourse

8. Artwork

8.1. Drawings i made in high school

8.1.1. hands forcing a smile

8.1.2. heart with a bandaid

8.1.3. sad/worried portrait

8.1.4. Self portrait?