How we communicate

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How we communicate por Mind Map: How we communicate

1. connections

1.1. Exist a connection with whole the body to express what exactly the subjec wants to say

1.1.1. Brain The brain has an important development because it orders to the body how to reacts in any sutuation.

1.1.2. Eyes

1.1.3. Movement

1.1.4. legs

1.1.5. arms

1.1.6. head

1.1.7. ears

1.1.8. neck

1.1.9. foot

2. Language

2.1. There are a lot iof languages that make possible the communication.

2.2. Even when there are not a specific language the comunication is possible

2.3. It is related with the idom

2.4. The important it is transmit the correct message.

2.5. It is necessary to understand what the emisor is saying

2.6. The time, place and others factors can affect the message meaning

3. communicate

3.1. Process between emitter and receiver

3.2. Establish a connection

3.2.1. In order to transmit or share ideas and signification

3.3. The emisor needs to transmit a message

3.4. There is a message and it has a code.

3.5. The receptor has to decodify the massage and emits an answer

3.6. The context could affect the message

3.7. It goes beyond making sounds