Suicide Prevention

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Suicide Prevention por Mind Map: Suicide Prevention

1. Sources of Strength Program

1.1. More Peer involvement

1.2. Administrators played roles in overseeing

1.3. Less effective results among study group

1.4. Peer leaders

1.5. screening process for early intervention

2. Support systems are key

2.1. school systems are most effective

2.2. close friends are key as well

3. Learning how to cope through learning

3.1. positive outcomes

3.2. less effective due to lack of clear support

4. Reducing pressure

4.1. learn stress coping skills

4.2. having a support system

5. Gatekeeper Training

5.1. screening process to determine risk

5.2. Not in depth enough training to prepare adminstators

5.3. not enough to use by itself but in conjunction with other programs

5.4. better training could be achieved through e-learning seminars

6. Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program

6.1. Open communication with adults

6.2. Peer support

6.3. screening process to determine risk

6.4. significant drop in suicidality

7. Surviving the Teens program

7.1. experiences with Peer Support

7.2. Caring adults to persuade them to help themselves

7.3. self-efficacy

7.4. Taught Stress reducing skills

7.5. Large decrease in suicidality post study

7.6. early intervention