Increase Profitability

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Increase Profitability por Mind Map: Increase Profitability

1. Menu/recipe 1. Cross utilize menu items to control cost of ingredients and reduce waste of food 2. Standardized recipes ensures quality and consistency in the recipe which leads to guest satisfaction; also less food has to be ordered 3. Have a limited menu; menus that are too abstract are less efficient when preparing in the kitchen and require much more food to be ordered 4. Make sure employees follow the correct recipe and don't give portions that are too big because then more food will have to be ordered

2. Storage 16. store items using FIFO, to avoid the risk of food going bad 17. lock all areas and allocate one key to one person on each shift to ensure security of inventory

3. Eliminate Waste 18. use the entirety of one product before starting to use another 19. store items at the correct temperature so that leftovers can be used for different recipes to reduce waste

4. Labor 21. overlap employees work hours so you are able to schedule less employees at a time 22. cut labor expenses by using forecasts to not schedule more employees than necessary 23. use the productivity ratio to figure out how much physical labor an employee is able to do 24. properly allocate breaks to employees so that nobody is overworked and can work to the best of their ability

5. Other expenses 24. serve water upon request instead of with each order to reduce energy related costs 25. properly design maintenance programs to reduce equipment failure and equipment/facility expenses

6. Forecasting 5. Accurate sales history allows you to maintain revenue estimates and predict future expenses 6. Utilize POS systems

7. Purchasing 7. Use EP/AP yields to figure out the proper amount of money necessary to spend on a specific ingredient and/or how much to purchase at a time 8. Take into consideration par value, on hand value, and special order value to avoid over purchasing 9. Do research and look into multiple vendors to get the best deal possible

8. Receiving 12. use a two person check system to increase accuracy when counting inventory 13. ensure delivery accuracy by comparing invoice sheet with purchase order 14. properly train personnel so that no errors are made throughout the order, purchase, and delivery process 15. have the employee in charge of receiving different than the one in charge of ordering to avoid theft