Initial Ideas Brainstorm - Prelim Magazine

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Initial Ideas Brainstorm - Prelim Magazine por Mind Map: Initial Ideas Brainstorm - Prelim Magazine

1. Going to have lots of cover lines related to college life

2. Photos

2.1. Perosn for the front cover

2.1.1. One of the college premesis One of the principle

3. Articles

3.1. What's On In College

3.1.1. Timetable for Tutor/PUDS Advice

4. Fonts

4.1. Nice rounded sanserif font like Tw Cen MT

4.1.1. Montserrat

5. Font Sizes

5.1. Various

5.1.1. Big for the front cover to make it stand out Smallish for the main text

6. Colours

6.1. Blue

6.1.1. White Orange Red

7. Name

7.1. TRCStudent