Video games

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Video games por Mind Map: Video games

1. Advantages

1.1. Reduce stress and depression

1.1.1. Pain reliever

1.2. Boost memory

1.3. Improving skills

1.3.1. Reaction time

1.3.2. Hand eye coordination

1.3.3. Quick thinking

1.3.4. Decision making

1.3.5. Smarter

1.3.6. Reading skills

1.3.7. Eye sight

1.3.8. following instructions

1.3.9. preservance

2. Equity

2.1. Lack of LGBTQ+ members

2.1.1. Hard to find them

2.2. Lack of POC

2.2.1. Usually the side characters

2.3. Stereotypes

2.3.1. Saving the princess

2.3.2. men are heroes

2.4. Sexist/ Inappropriate portrayal of women

2.4.1. Can't defend themselves

2.4.2. Are objects

2.4.3. Can"t be the hero

3. Buisness

3.1. fast growing industry

3.1.1. more money more staff

3.1.2. more players more opinions more ideas

3.2. global sales above $17 billion

3.3. thinking out of the box

3.3.1. creative new consoles

3.3.2. something new

4. -poor lighting -glare on a digital screen -improper viewing distances -poor seating posture -uncorrected vision problems -a combination of these factors

5. Disadvantages

5.1. Negatively affect mental health

5.1.1. Causing addiction

5.1.2. makes players more violent

5.1.3. Depression

5.2. Negatively affect physical health

5.2.1. Increases risk of disease heart disease Arthritis Diabetes High blood pressure

5.2.2. Eye strain headaches blurry vision feeling of dryness

5.2.3. Computer vision syndrome Eye strain Headaches Blurry vision Neck and shoulder pain Dry eyes

6. Rating system

6.1. EC

6.1.1. very young children

6.2. E

6.2.1. everyone regardless their age

6.3. E10+

6.3.1. everyone above the age of 10

6.4. T

6.4.1. ages thirteen and up

6.5. M

6.5.1. ages 17 and up

6.6. Ao

6.6.1. ages 18 and up

6.7. Rp

6.7.1. has not been rated yet

7. Reccomendation

7.1. should always read the rating

7.2. Parents/Guardian test out game

7.3. Never follow whats done in game