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3.1 Risks por Mind Map: 3.1 Risks

1. SAP Predictive Analysis

1.1. Only 5 people use it

1.2. Check Application status Mothly

2. Monitoring

2.1. Server Health Analysis NOT POSSIBLE

2.2. Nothing in real-time or in advance.

2.2.1. NO prevention before cure.

3. Report Schedules

3.1. Hypercare reports

3.1.1. UNKNOWN Pathetically managed

3.1.2. Anyone can update!

3.1.3. Change location/ schedule/ names

3.2. Improper schedules

3.2.1. Many reports don't complete before 9am

4. Administration

4.1. Modify users

4.2. AD Sync issue

4.3. Faulty control

5. Statistics

5.1. Mostly admin stats reports are build by CLARIBA

5.2. Outdated CMS connect by Infolytic/ No support

5.3. Realtime reports are crippled already

6. Reporting Issues

6.1. Database Incompatibility

6.1.1. Teradata 15!

6.1.2. User any driver anywhere

6.2. INSERT from report run

6.2.1. Defies every reporting logic!

6.3. Chunks data in queries

6.3.1. Nice way juice ur DB

6.4. Lots of useless queries

6.4.1. one query returns 6 months and other 3 months

6.5. Resource Intensive queries

7. Daily

7.1. Failure Analysis stopped

7.1.1. Cannot handle 11k lines of excel

7.1.2. Handmade/ Manual analysis not possible with 100s of failures.

8. Weekly

8.1. Weekly analysis stopped

8.1.1. Manual RCA is infeasible for each error

9. Backup/ Restore

9.1. Forget it; there isn't any

9.2. One Env showdown

9.3. Bottleneck

9.4. Admins nightmare

10. BICC really required?

10.1. What if this portal goes down: No support

10.2. What BICC gives more than Infoview

10.3. Blank Categories!

11. ADMINs

11.1. How many

11.2. Why so many

11.3. Questionable security

12. High Availability

12.1. We are surprised that this setup is working!

12.2. Forget it

12.2.1. Pigs don't fly

13. Compatibility

13.1. IE 11 64bit!

13.2. Compatibility View for Current IE

13.3. Middleware

13.3.1. TD14/5

14. Performance

14.1. Wrong expectations

15. RCA

15.1. Infeasible

15.1.1. Chasing your tail

15.1.2. Bottomless well

15.2. Zero Tracing

15.3. No monitoring prerequisite

16. Client Tools

16.1. 3.1 SP3 client on Citrix

16.1.1. Really!

16.2. Not patched on server

16.3. No WRC