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SAP BI 4.2 por Mind Map: SAP BI 4.2

1. SAP Predictive Analysis

1.1. Only 5 people use it

1.2. Check Application status Mothly

2. Monitoring

2.1. Server Health Analysis Integrated in CMC

2.2. Real-time notification server fails

2.2.1. Prevention better than cure

2.3. Faster audit & scope

3. Report Schedules

3.1. Hypercare reports

3.1.1. Proper nomenclature prefixing HC_*

3.1.2. Approvals required before update

3.1.3. Changes to be notified to SAPBI team and BSM

3.1.4. Compulsory default notification

3.2. Improper schedules

3.2.1. Many reports don't complete before 9am

4. Administration

4.1. Admins cockpit makes stuff somewhat easy

4.2. AD Sync issue

4.3. Faulty control

5. Statistics

5.1. Direct queries on CMS database

5.2. No need purchase from Infolytic

5.3. Provided you have a dev team!

5.4. Env analytics available through dashboard

6. Reporting

6.1. Database compatibility

6.1.1. Teradata 15!

6.1.2. User any driver anywhere

6.2. Convert existing Deski to Webi

6.2.1. DO this IMMEDIATELY

6.3. Build Dashboards

6.3.1. Janseen Greet licences SAP Dashboards too

6.4. New features

6.4.1. Query stripping

6.4.2. 64 Parallel queries a doc

6.4.3. DHTML View Complex filters Query data view Excel data source Conditional formating Charting engine

6.4.4. Geo Maps

6.4.5. Commenting

7. Daily

7.1. Nice looking dashboard

7.1.1. Fully automated

7.1.2. Failure Anaysis

7.1.3. Failure notification

8. Backup/ Restore

8.1. Hot backup

8.2. Recycle bin!

8.3. DEV?

9. BICC really required?

9.1. BI Launchpad tuned to contain categories

9.2. Startup dashboard for all users

9.3. BI Launchpad with notification support

10. ADMINs

10.1. Enterprise admin should be with only 2/3 people

10.2. Delegated admins possible

10.3. Better security structure

11. High Availability

11.1. Possible by stats

11.2. Guaranteed by dev

12. Compatibility

12.1. IE 11 64bit

12.2. Firefox and chrome also

12.3. Middleware

12.3.1. TD14/5

12.4. FreeHand SQL

13. Performance

13.1. Better than 3.1

13.2. IMP: True 64 architecture

13.3. 50% increase

13.3.1. Reports will complete early

14. RCA

14.1. Methods

14.1.1. Auditing

14.1.2. Server health

14.1.3. Database query timing

14.2. Tracing can be done

15. Client Tools

15.1. Exact same clients installed

15.2. Server shouldn't have client tools

15.3. WRC on each client

16. DCP Myth

16.1. Support from 4.1 SP6!

16.2. Minimal compatibility

16.3. 4.2 integrated

17. SAP Supports

17.1. All queries

17.2. Upgrade

17.3. Update