Business Analyst

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Business Analyst por Mind Map: Business Analyst

1. What are the different industry possibilities?

1.1. Determine which companies utilize a business analyst

1.2. Determine which industries I am interested in

1.3. Browse libraries and search engines to find different industries

2. What qualifications are required?

2.1. Determine the educational requirements

2.2. Determine the technical requirements

2.3. Use industry specific websites or credible sources for requirements

3. What are the areas of a business analyst?

3.1. Determine the different areas of a business analyst

3.2. Determine which of those areas I am interested in

3.3. Utilize a library or search engine to find different areas

4. What is the average salary of a business analyst?

4.1. Determine the average salary for specific industries

4.2. Determine the average salary for specific areas

4.3. Use industry specific websites or credible sources for salary information