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can/cant:habilities por Mind Map: can/cant:habilities

1. images

1.1. CAN

2. example

2.1. I  can  swim very well (Puedo nadar muy bien) She can come to the party(Ella puede venir a la fiesta) We can make lunch today(Podemos preparar el almuerzo hoy)

2.2. I can't speak French(No puedo hablar francés) He can't eat sugar (No puede comer azúcar) They can't win the championship (No pueden ganar el campeonato)

3. use

3.1. Can and can not are modal verbs that indicate ability or possibility. In Spanish they can be translated as "poder" and "no poder".

3.2. To indicate that someone or something can perform an action

4. cant

5. structure

5.1. Sujeto + can't + verbo en forma base + complemento

5.1.1. Sujeto + can + verbo en forma base + complemento