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Company por Mind Map: Company

1. What makes a person`s status in a company

1.1. a reserved parking space

1.2. a personal office

1.3. name on the office door

1.4. a company car

1.5. flying business class

2. Structure

2.1. Board of Directors with a Chairman

2.2. Managing Director or Executive Director

2.3. Marketing

2.4. Finance

2.5. Research & Development

2.6. Sales and advertising

3. What makes company work more effective?

3.1. friendly atmosphere

3.2. good equipment

3.3. proffesional staff

3.4. straight structure

4. Problems you can face to in company

4.1. insubordination of staff

4.2. uneffective promotion

4.3. no creative

4.4. unprofessional staff

4.5. poor organisation