Classroom Management

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Classroom Management por Mind Map: Classroom Management

1. Have a Listening Cue - Some type of action that when you perform it the students know it is time to listen and pay attention. Whether it is clapping your hands and they return to their seat or flicking the lights on and off and they know to look up front have ears open ready to listen.

2. No Late Excuses - To avoid disruptions do not attend to why the student was late while instructing the others. They can speak with you at the end of class and perhaps set up a plan to not be late and cause disruptions in class again.

3. Keep Parent/Guardians In the Loop - No matter if it is a positive comment or a negative matter make sure parents know you have an open door policy when it comes to their child. As well let the child know you are communicating with their guardians whether its for something good or not so great they have been doing.

4. Dealing with Interruptions - Don't embarrass the chid by calling them out during instruction. Simply ask if they need something and that is possibly why they are speaking to their neighbor. Or after instruction bring them aside and ask what the problem is and what you and the student can do together to resolve the problem.

5. Positive Consequences - When the class or students are being good reward them with positive consequences. Address them as a class and tell them you are proud of them and what their reward will be. Whether its points towards a class party or something individual.

6. Have a routine - By doing so no one feels uneasy about what is going to happen each day. Small surprises or changes are ok, but a basic plan or weekly routine will make students feel secure and comfortable in your class.

7. Negativity - Stop negativity at the door. If a child is distressed remove them from the activity until they can be positive or calm and then let them rejoin.

8. Start Fresh Everyday - Do not label a student as disruptive everyday. Each time they come into your class it is a new day and they get a chance to decide how they will act without feeling like you as the teacher already think they are going to have a bad day.

9. Volume - Keep volume low, always yelling will get old. If you speak in low tones, it will force the class to quiet down and listen to instructions.

10. Move Around - Staying stagnant at the front is boring. Move around and check on each child giving them a timeline. "When I come back I would love to see two more ideas, because your ideas are very interesting" Then continue checking on others work but be sure to return and offer praise if the task was met correctly.