nego questionnare

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nego questionnare por Mind Map: nego questionnare

1. personality /basic level (mars manager)

1.1. qualification

1.1.1. опыт работы менеджером в компании

1.1.2. опыт работы с ритейлеров

1.1.3. остаточные знания по тренингу по переговорам

1.2. emotional intelligence

2. preparation (mars manager)

2.1. intelligence gathering (database)

2.1.1. retailer account file

2.1.2. history of contact reports

2.1.3. organizational resources enough time enough info resources поддержка других отделов

2.2. goal formulation

2.3. strategy development

3. post nego

3.1. mars manager

3.1.1. results

3.1.2. process

3.1.3. emotions

3.2. retailer

3.2.1. evaluation of manager's qualification

3.2.2. evaluation of manager's EQ

3.2.3. evaluation of manager's Likeability