There are many different ways that we learn new information about our solar system.

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There are many different ways that we learn new information about our solar system. por Mind Map: There are many different ways that we learn new information about our solar system.

1. Telescopes have helped astronomers study the sky more closely.

1.1. Helped them see further into space

2. Satellites help astronomers get information about space that they cannot see from earth.

2.1. Satellites took pictures of the globe and other planets.

2.2. Hundreds of satellites making new discoveries

3. Sending astronauts to the moon helped people on earth answer questions about the solar systerm

3.1. Flew to the moon to find more information about the moon

3.2. Sent back a moon rock to earth

4. The Hubble telescope lead to many new discoveries for astronomers.

4.1. Hubble telescope took many pictures from outer space and orbits the earth.