Create a Calendar for a Resource

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Create a Calendar for a Resource por Mind Map: Create a Calendar  for a Resource

1. 2. Associate a Plan with a Recurrence Pattern

1.1. Creating a Plan

1.1.1. Setup a Recurrence Pattern for each schedule Weekly Days of the Week Which weeks Monthly Days of the month Adhoc

2. 3. Assign Access Rights

2.1. Select who has access

2.1.1. Role (and)

2.1.2. User Autocomplete (specific to the role)

3. 4. Publish the Plan

3.1. View the whole created Plan

3.2. Define Effective Dates

3.3. Publish

4. 1. Select a Resource

4.1. Selecting Search Criteria (or)

4.1.1. Resource Type

4.2. Auto complete with resource name

5. 2. Create/Edit Schedule

5.1. Create

5.1.1. Import Schedules from an existing plan(or)

5.1.2. Create from Scratch

5.2. Edit

5.2.1. Update Existing Schedules

5.2.2. Add new schedules