Our Classroom Community

This is a map highlighting all the members of our classroom community.

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Our Classroom Community por Mind Map: Our Classroom Community

1. New node

2. Melissa Josey

2.1. stuff I do

2.1.1. blog

2.1.2. buy & sell

2.2. tools I use

2.2.1. MindMeister

2.2.2. google

3. Dave cormier

3.1. building

3.1.1. shelf

3.1.2. playhouse

3.1.3. New node

3.2. teacher

3.3. New node

3.4. New node

4. Ken Muirhead

4.1. Things I do

4.1.1. design component

4.1.2. manufacture component

4.2. Tools I use

4.2.1. MasterCam

4.2.2. UniGraphics

5. Leslie

5.1. ace program

5.2. stuff

5.3. other stuff

5.4. fun

6. Kent Sheen

6.1. building

6.1.1. Node 1

6.1.2. Node 2

7. Susan

7.1. to do list

7.1.1. grocery list tasty snack

8. Colleen

8.1. paperless

9. April

9.1. Graphic Design

9.1.1. New node

9.2. Audio Video Production

9.3. Lots-O-Stuff

9.4. New node

10. New node

11. Mark Lamey

11.1. Stuff i do

11.1.1. Animation

11.1.2. Video production

11.2. Things I use

11.2.1. You tube

11.2.2. Google

12. Marcel

12.1. New node

13. Donnie Gallant

13.1. work

13.2. sports

13.3. family

14. Jennifer

14.1. lab assistant for SLM