The Concept of Knowledge in Islam

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The Concept of Knowledge in Islam por Mind Map: The Concept of Knowledge in Islam

1. Basiran (mental perception)

2. Tazakkur (remembrance)

3. Tafakkur (thought)

4. What is its importance?

5. Why do we need to seek it?

6. - In line with man's obligations as a khalifah

7. The basis of Islam

8. 'Ilm mentioned alongside its derivates over 700 times in the Qur'an

9. To practise it

10. To achieve happiness in both worlds

11. To distinguish between right and wrong

12. To seek Allah's pleasure

13. Ma'rifah (by experiment)

14. Fiqh (by understanding)

15. Tadabbur (by observation)

16. A way to recognise Allah

17. Elevates the status of its bearer

18. Allah created man with tools to acquire knowledge

19. Purify soul

20. Minimize worldly affairs

21. Be humble and virtuous

22. Prioritise levels of knowledge

23. Definition: Realisation of the meaning of things (Al-Ghazali) / The arrival of the ma'na of an object in the soul and its arrival at the meaning (Al-Attas)

24. Degrees of knowledge: Ilmul (inference), Ainul (observation), Haqqul (experience)

25. What is the right way to seek it?