Community Services

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Community Services por Mind Map: Community Services

1. Betters the Community

1.1. Nature of relationship

1.1.1. Diversity

1.1.2. Open communications

1.2. Health and well being

1.3. Life opportunities (education and work)

2. Create Example

2.1. Mentoring/Teaching/Educate Children

2.1.1. Leadership

2.2. Involve in Volunteer Program to raise awareness

2.3. Spread across nationally or globally

2.3.1. Social Media

2.3.2. Volunteers' experience sharing

2.3.3. Friends and Families

2.3.4. Organizations

3. Participate in Workplace Volunteering

3.1. Participate in company's volunteering

3.2. Encourage colleagues to participate

3.3. Advise manager to create one to share awareness

3.4. Principal to working together

4. Enhance skills and Gain Experience

4.1. Presence of awareness

4.1.1. Enhance participation

4.1.2. Experience

4.1.3. Engagement

4.2. Individual's involvement

4.2.1. Valuable to self-enrichment

4.2.2. Contribution to the nationality

4.3. Possessed skills and knowledge

4.3.1. Skill-based volunteering Respect each other's capabilities

4.3.2. Opportunities in future investment

4.3.3. Foster skills development

4.3.4. Beauty of giving and an act of kindness

5. Contribution of government

5.1. ACT government

5.1.1. Legislative Act of law

5.1.2. Social Relationship with the community sector Engaging effectively with citizen To participate in Community Service Programs

5.1.3. Economic Reputation of country

5.1.4. Safety of community members