Static Electricity

A mind map on static electricity. Created by Muhd Ashraff Bin Abdul Aleem. 4 Engine.

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Static Electricity por Mind Map: Static Electricity

1. Types Of Charges

1.1. Positive

1.2. Negative

2. Attraction

2.1. Repel against like charges

2.2. Attracted to opposite charges

3. Charging

3.1. Charge

3.1.1. SI Unit Coulomb or C

3.1.2. Equation Time(s) x Current

3.2. Produced by

3.2.1. Induction

3.2.2. Rubbing

4. Used In

4.1. Printing processes

4.2. Photocopiers

4.3. Laser Printers

4.4. Spray Painting

5. Electric Field

6. Dangers

6.1. Sparks & Fire