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Tiaymetria Mack por Mind Map: Tiaymetria Mack

1. Multiple pathways to Learning

2. lowest:Remembering things is important and a significant goal of education, but remembering is the product of higher order thinking, not the other way around.

3. Highest: focus area is often a missing motivator for students.

4. personality spectrum

5. lowest:work best when assigned projects which require analytical thinking and problem-solving. You are inspired by futuristic ideas and potentials

6. highest:You value honesty and authenticity above all else. You enjoy close relationships with those you love and there is a strong spirituality in your nature

7. building excellence learning styles

8. Extravert-%14 Sensing-%7 Thinking-%7 Judging-6%

9. new study skills

10. Manage Your Time Wisely,Identify How You Learn, Organize!

11. preferred study habit

12. Attend Class, Ask Questions ,Make Study Groups

13. preferred teaching style

14. The authority model so the teacher is centered and frequently entails lengthy lecture sessions or one-way presentations.

15. values

16. measure of your sense of self-worth and confidence

17. interests

18. becoming a business woman and staying focused on my set goals

19. Successful Intellegence


21. Enterprising:85%

22. Social:70%

23. Artistic:30%

24. Emotional Intellegence

25. high performance under pressure

26. needs take time out of your busy day-to-day activities

27. Analytic thinking: I always tend to create a certain solution for problems that may come up ahead of time

28. practical thinking; being able to catch on quickly ,the ability to visually learn, and think myself through situations.

29. Creative thinking: the ability to create plans and goals for a certain accomplishment I would like to achieve, designing plans for everything.