HRC: Learning Outcome 1: Understand, analyse and critically evaluate contemporary organisations a...

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HRC: Learning Outcome 1: Understand, analyse and critically evaluate contemporary organisations and their principle environments por Mind Map: HRC: Learning Outcome 1: Understand, analyse and critically evaluate contemporary organisations and their principle environments

1. Theories of Management

1.1. Contingency Theory

1.1.1. Fielder (1967)

1.2. Human Relations Theory/Human Relations Models (See org forms and elements for theorists)

1.3. Case Study: Integrating complexity theory at Humberside Training and Education Council (Kew p 51)

1.4. Power, Authority and Influence

1.4.1. Johnson & Scholes (1988)

1.4.2. McMillan (1978)

1.4.3. Pfeffer (1981)

1.4.4. Schein 1980

1.4.5. Daft (2008)

1.4.6. Hales (2001)

1.5. Handling Conflict

1.5.1. Thomas (1976)

1.5.2. Schein (1980)

2. The Environment


2.1.1. Johnson et al (2001)

2.1.2. Weitrivh (1982)

2.2. Ansoff (1987)

2.3. Case Study: Video Blues Turbulent Environment (Kew p.9)

2.4. Environmental Scanning - Choo (2001)

2.4.1. Case Study

2.5. Insights, Strategy & Solutions from the CIPD HR Profession Map

3. Stakeholders

3.1. Stakeholder Theory/Stockholder Theory

3.2. Johnson & Scholes (1997) Two way stakeholder matrix

3.3. Lynch (2012)

3.4. Lawton (1998)

3.5. Typologies of Stakeholders

3.5.1. Mitchell et al (1997)

3.5.2. Power/Legitimacy/Urgency - Farnham pp. 64-65

4. Organisation Forms and Elements

4.1. Bureaucracy/Divisionalisation or M-Form/Matrix/Network or N-Form/Virtual/Strategic Alliances

4.1.1. Weber (1964)

4.1.2. Case Study (M-Form_: General Motors (KEW p.19)

4.1.3. Boxall & Purcell (2008)

4.2. Scientific Management/Taylorism

4.2.1. Frederick Taylor (1911)

4.3. Human Relations Theory

4.3.1. Mayo (1933)

4.3.2. Herzberg (1966) Two factor theory of motivation

4.4. Culture

4.4.1. Hofstede (2001)

4.4.2. Schein (1997)

5. Corporate Social Responsibility

5.1. Ethics

5.1.1. Carroll (1990) - 11 Ethical Guidlines

5.1.2. Connock and Johns (1995) - Three Elements

5.1.3. Billington (2003) - Five Features and three approaches

5.1.4. Case Study: MP's expenses (p.397 Kew)

5.1.5. Professional Ethics CIPD Code of Professional Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (2003)

5.1.6. Business Eithics Drucker (1990)

5.2. Whistleblowing

5.2.1. George (1999)

5.2.2. Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

5.3. CSR

5.3.1. Carroll (1991) Four part model of CSR

5.3.2. Case Study: Co-op bank (Kew p.412)

5.3.3. Fair Trade