Savvy Sociogram by: Rylie Sinning: Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by: Rylie Sinning: Mibs por Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by: Rylie Sinning: Mibs

1. Gypsy

1.1. 3 years old

1.2. to young to have a savvy

2. Samson

2.1. 7 years old

2.2. to young to have a savvy

3. Mississippi

3.1. !3 years old

3.1.1. does not have a savvy

4. Pappa

4.1. was in an accident

4.2. in hospital

5. Mibs

5.1. 13 years old

5.2. does not have a savvy yet

6. Lil

6.1. rides the bus

7. Meek

7.1. Yells at the mailman

7.2. Husband of Mrs. rose marry

8. Fish

8.1. Savvy is controlling the weather.

8.2. 14 years old

9. Rocket

9.1. Savvy is electricity

9.2. 17 years old