Warth-Mibs Sociogram

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Warth-Mibs Sociogram por Mind Map: Warth-Mibs Sociogram

1. Rocket

1.1. He is Mib's older brother

1.2. His savvy is conducting electricity

1.3. He is the oldest Beaumont

2. Fish

2.1. His savvy is messing with the weather

2.2. He is Mibs brother

2.3. He is the second oldest in the Beaumont family

3. Samson

3.1. He is Mib's younger brother

3.2. He has a pet turtle

3.3. He doesnt have a savvy yet

3.4. He is the youngest Beaumont

4. Gyspy

4.1. She is Mib's younger sister

4.2. She is the 2nd youngest Beaumont

4.3. She doesnt have a savvy yet

5. Bobbi Meeks

5.1. She is the preachers daughter

5.2. Likes rocket

5.3. She is a teenager

6. Poppa

6.1. He is Mib's father

6.2. He never gives up

6.3. He is in the hospital

7. Momma

7.1. She is Mib's mother

7.2. Her savvy is perfection

7.3. She left to take care of Poppa

8. Grandpa

8.1. He is Mib's Grandpa

8.2. He made the land the Beaumonts live on

8.3. His savvy is moving and creating land

9. Will Junior

9.1. Bobbi's brother

9.2. Goes to church with Mibs

9.3. Same age as Mibs

10. Miss Rosemary

10.1. Bobbi's mother

10.2. Feels like its her job to take care of the Beaumonts while Momma is gone

10.3. Tries to throw Mibs a party

11. Lil

11.1. Worked as a waitress

11.2. Lester lets her ride on his bus after her car breaks down

11.3. Is very motherly

12. Lester

12.1. Delivers bibles for a job

12.2. Is a truck driver

12.3. Is taking Mib to Salina

13. Ozzie

13.1. Is the manager of a resturant

13.2. Was Lil's boss

13.3. Strict

14. Aunt Dinah

14.1. Stict

14.2. Mib's aunt

14.3. Savvy is she can get anyone to do whatever she wants