Bruno - Mibs Sociogram

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Bruno - Mibs Sociogram por Mind Map: Bruno - Mibs Sociogram

1. Samson

1.1. He is Mibs' brother

1.1.1. He doesn't have savvy He is younger than Mib

2. Gypsy

2.1. She is Mibs' sister

2.2. She doesn't have a savvy

2.3. She is the youngest kid in the family

3. Bobbi Meeks

3.1. She goes to church with Mibs

3.2. She won't have a savvy

3.3. She doesn't really like Mibs

4. Poppa

4.1. She is Mibs' dad

4.2. He doesn't have one

4.3. He got in an accident

5. Momma

5.1. She is Mibs' mother

5.2. Her savvy is getting things right

5.3. She is very loving

6. Grandpa

6.1. He is Mibs' grandpa

6.2. His savvy is to shift the Earth

6.3. Mamma's father

7. Will Junior

7.1. He is a friend of Mibs'

7.2. He doesn't have a savvy

7.3. He is very kind

8. Miss Rosemary

8.1. She is Bobbi and Will Junior's mother

8.2. She doesn't have a savvy

8.3. She is very religious

9. Lester

9.1. He is a salesman

9.2. He doesn't have a savvy

9.3. He is very nice

10. Lill

10.1. She worked at a diner

10.2. She doesn't have a savvy

10.3. She is very kind- hearted

11. Rocket

11.1. He is Mibs' brother

11.2. His savvy is conducting electricity

11.3. He is the oldest kid in the family

12. Fish

12.1. He is Mibs' brother

12.1.1. His savvy is controlling the weather

12.2. He is the second oldest