my selves project

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my selves project por Mind Map: my selves project

1. what do people actually see ?

1.1. reserved - i don't talk as much as I used to. I keep people guessing . I show very little emotions .

1.2. strong minded - people know that I have a strong mind because I know the difference between what's good and what's evil .

1.3. clever

2. what aspects do i want to keep private ?

2.1. my thoughts should be kept private because not everyone around me wants to know what I am thinking

2.2. personal information

2.3. my religious beliefs should be kept private because others may disagree with me and be insulted

3. what do I think people see

3.1. observant- around friends I am observant I can see what a person may be feeling based in their actions .

3.2. deceitful

3.3. humorous- I usually know how to make most situations funny just to lighten the mood .