My Selves Project

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My Selves Project por Mind Map: My Selves Project

1. What do I want to keep private?

1.1. My relationship

1.1.1. I never say what's going on in my relationship. I always keep that private. The only thing we usually do is post pictures or things about each other. But, we never put our info. or business out there for everyone to know. That's between us.

1.2. My family

1.3. My personal life

1.3.1. I just always keep to myself about my personal life because it's really nobody's business unless it's something serious.

2. What do I think people see?

2.1. Nice/Caring

2.1.1. I'm always making sure everyone is okay and asking if they need anything.

2.2. Helpful

2.2.1. I always help people, or ask them if they need help with something.

2.3. Smart

3. What do they actually see?

3.1. Pretty

3.1.1. People always complement me on my eyes and my hair, and sometimes people tell me I'm pretty.

3.2. Funny

3.3. Smart

3.3.1. I always get my work done and I get good grades.